Movies & TV

Murder 2 Review: A “Spiritual” Sequel Nobody Asked For

Yo, so I just checked out Murder 2, right? And man, let me tell ya, stumbling upon this gem was like finding an old DVD in the age of 4K streaming – a total culture shock! And a very Hot Movie, unlike many other! Now, we all know the internet’s flooded with all sorts of … uh, content, making this flick seem like a quaint relic from an era my generation barely remembers.

Emraan and Jacqueline: The Unlikely Duo in Murder 2?

First off, this movie’s got Emraan Hashmi doing his rogue cop gig, and Jacqueline Fernandez playing this model who seems to rely more on her makeup than her acting chops.

Imagine stumbling upon this film and thinking, “Ah, a psychological thriller with a dash of Bollywood masala, this should be good.” And then, there’s Jacqueline, turning the temperature up, not with her acting chops, but with a fashion show that could make the runway models go green with envy.

Now, don’t get me wrong, Jacqueline is a stunner, no doubt about that. But when it comes to her role in Murder 2, it felt more like she was auditioning for a beauty pageant rather than portraying the complex emotions of a model in a twisted love affair with a rogue cop. The viewers were left wondering if her character was meant to add depth to the plot, or just there to ensure the glamour quotient was ticking all the boxes​​.

Critiques pointed out that her voice being dubbed didn’t help in judging her acting prowess. It’s like watching a high-stakes drama unfold, but with the emotional intensity of a weather forecast​​. Her character was supposedly a tough girl, but it seemed like the memo got lost in translation, or perhaps, in the dubbing studio. The romantic subplot with Emraan Hashmi felt as forced as a smile at a dentist’s office, making you question the authenticity of their chemistry​​. Unlike many other hot movies, is it building up to something more?

Murder 2 review

What’s next in Murder 2?

Diving into the depths of Murder 2, you’d expect Emraan to serve us a dish spiced with intrigue, suspense, and that trademark Hashmi flair. Instead, what we got felt like reheated leftovers served on a plate of predictability. His portrayal of Arjun Bhagawat was supposed to be this gritty, intense character with a complicated love life and an even more complex moral compass. However, at times, it felt more like he was just going through the motions, perhaps pondering his next music video shoot rather than being the tormented soul the script likely intended​​.

Critics and fans alike have noted that while Emraan tried to channel a renegade cop vibe, complete with a tortured past and a cavalier attitude towards law and order, it occasionally came off as trying too hard to tick off the “Bollywood badass” checklist. His interactions with Jacqueline’s character, Priya, were meant to sizzle, to show a man torn between his dark world and the love of a good woman. Yet, some of those scenes had all the romantic tension of a corporate team-building exercise.

Murder 2: A Lazy Killer in Action

And then there’s the plot –  if we can call it that. A serial killer on the loose, eyeing girls, but with less finesse and more of an “I-got-bored” vibe. Like, come on, even the lazy killers in movies are supposed to have some standards, right? But nope, our guy here decides that teenage girls’ eyelids are where it’s at. Talk about niche interests!

The Sequel That Nobody Asked For

Now, don’t get me wrong, the first Murder flick had its moments with Mallika Sherawat setting the screen on fire and all. But Murder 2? Flat as my soda when I forget it on the counter overnight. It’s like they took the concept of “inspiration” from some obscure film, slapped it together with a storyline thinner than my patience, and called it a day. Even the songs, which are usually Bollywood’s saving grace, couldn’t lift this sinking ship​​​​.

Murder 2 movie

The Silver Lining: Prashant Narayanan

Prashant Narayanan, though, deserves a shoutout for managing to bring some actual creepy vibes to the table. The dude nailed the psycho-killer role, making you wish the movie just focused on him instead. But alas, we’re stuck watching Hashmi and Fernandez trying to ignite a spark with wet matches​​.

Final Murder 2 Verdict: Swipe Left

Let’s be real, the Bhatts have this knack for making you think they’ve got a blockbuster on their hands, but sometimes, it feels more like they’re just recycling old DVDs. And while Murder 2 tries to up the ante with its dark themes and “edgy” content, it kinda falls flat, leaving you wondering if maybe, just maybe, you’d be better off scrolling through your phone instead​​.

So, is it worth a watch? If you’re into Bollywood’s take on crime thrillers with a side of cheese, then sure, go for it. But if you’re looking for something that’ll actually keep you on the edge of your seat, maybe keep looking. Or, y’know, just stick to the internet for your… entertainment needs. If you want to read about more sexy movies, we highly suggest that you check out our article Hot Movies: The hottest Films To Watch Right Now!

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